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NHS treatment

Chesterfield Orthodontics has a contract with the NHS that allows us to treat a set number of patients each year through government funding. This can be a great relief to families whose children have a need for orthodontic treatment.

Who qualifies for treatment on the NHS?

Orthodontic treatment through the NHS is only available for patients under the age of 18 who present a clear medical need for orthodontic treatment. Eligibility is decided through a grading system called the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN).

All NHS referrals have to come via the electronic referral system, Rego - this is processed via your child's general dentist. You should be aware that our initial waiting list for NHS consultations is currently 12 months.

If your child is eligible for treatment on the NHS, we will be able to start their treatment a few months after their consultation. These waits for treatment exist because we receive more referrals than the number of patients we are contracted to treat each year.

Who qualifies for treatment on the NHS?

What types of treatment are covered by the NHS?

Currently, only traditional metal braces are covered by the NHS. If you would like to try an alternative treatment, such as ceramic braces, lingual braces or Invisalign® clear aligners, these are available as a private option and our dedicated treatment coordinators would be happy to discuss these with you

What types of treatment are covered by the NHS?

What happens if my child is not eligible for NHS treatment?

If your child is not eligible for NHS treatment, or the waiting lists are simply too long, we do offer a discounted package for self-funded treatment with metal braces. We also offer a whole range of cutting-edge options through private treatment, with flexible payment plans available.

Orthodontic treatment for patients over 18 years of age is only provided on a private basis.

What happens if my child is not eligible for NHS treatment?

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